Bushido Martial Arts
Who are we?
"Traditional Values in a Modern Style"
Bushido Martial Arts teaches a number of discrete styles of martial arts. The Karate style is a present day system, with its origin dating back to around 1900 from Goju Ryu, which at that time merged ideas from Chinese Kung Fu and Okinawan Karate.
The main traditional systems incorporated into BMA Karate are traditional Goju Karate, and Judo. The main modern techniques are from Kickboxing, Boxing and Thai-Boxing. We also utilise the skills of Ju Jitsu, Aikido, Kung Fu and Tae Kwon Do. Hence the reason for BMA Karate often being referred to as a freestyle martial art.
At all of our clubs you will find our instructors friendly and knowledgeable. We aim to make your involvement with us fun, friendly and enlightening!