Croydon Dojo
Croydon Dojo
DOJO Instructor
DOJO Instructor
Assistant Instructor
Assistant Instructor
Dai Sempai Shanti Osborne
Kids Karate Classes:
Kids Karate Classes:
Monday 5.00pm - 6.00pm
Adults Karate Classes:
Adults Karate Classes:
Monday 6.15pm - 7.30pm
Training Periods:
Training Periods:
Classes are held in line with each of the 4 school terms.
No classes are held during the school holidays.
No classes are held on Public Holidays or long weekends.
Kilkenny Primary School, Jane St, West Croydon SA 5008 (off Port Road)
Turn off Port Rd onto Jane St. Enter the school car park through the main gates on Jane St. Kids classes are in the Performing Arts Room, overlooking the western oval. Adults classes are in the gymnasium near the northern oval.